Our Nursery caters for 26 children aged 3 and 4 at each session. Sessions run on mornings (8.45am – 11.45am) and on afternoons (12.30pm 3.30pm). Nursery aged children are entitled to 15 hours placement within the setting which equates to 5 sessions a week. Parents can chose from the following options:
- all morning sessions
- all afternoon sessions
- 3 morning sessions – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and 2 afternoon sessions – Monday and Tuesday
- 2 morning session – Thursday and Friday, and 3 afternoon sessions – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
During the lunch session (11.45am – 12.30pm) parents have the option of taking their child home for dinner or making arrangements for SPRING Day Care to supervise this session. For further details please speak to either Mrs Smith or SPRING staff.
Please see our Nursery Admissions Policy and Application for Layfield Primary Nursery Class for more information.
The Nursery staff are Mrs Norman (Teacher), Mrs Eccles (Teacher) and Mrs Best (Teaching Assistant).
To view our Early Years booklet for parents please click the link below.
To find out what we are learning this term click the link below.