
Primary School


Attainment is the measure of where a pupil is working at. Throughout a children’s education we can compare attainment against their chronological age and compared with other pupils. Attainment is monitored closely in school. Many strategies are employed in school to support pupils who are working below age related expectations.

In Year 2 and 6 pupils are formally tested and attainment is reported using scaled scores. Scaled scores are used all over the world. They help test results to be reported consistently from one year to the next. National curriculum tests are designed to be as similar as possible year on year, but slight differences in difficulty will occur between years. Scaled scores maintain their meaning over time so that two pupils achieving the same scaled score on two different tests will have demonstrated the same attainment. For example, on our scale 100 will always represent the ‘national standard’. However, due to the small differences in difficulty between tests, the ‘raw score’ (ie the total number of correct responses) that equates to 100 might be different (though similar) each year.

Pupils will be judged as either meeting or not meeting the national standard.