
Primary School


Achievement is how well a child is doing and the progress that they are making. Progress is closely monitored in school to ensure that pupils make appropriate progress. Progress towards targets is regularly reviewed so that early intervention to support pupils can be planned for. Where pupils are making better than expected progress, targets are increased to provide challenge as necessary.

Progress measures in 2016 changed from those in previous years however work in a similar way to current primary value-added measures. A school’s score will be calculated by comparing their pupils’ KS2 results against those of all pupils nationally who had similar starting points. Average progress is expected to be a score of 0. Positive scores indicate better than average progress and negative scores indicate worse that average progress compared to other pupils and schools nationally.

Pupils will be assigned to prior attainment groups based on their key stage 1 (KS1) results.

The Department for Education will confirm what score a school would need to get to have made ‘sufficient progress’ after the tests have been sat.

More detailed guidance on how the new measures will be constructed is published at